LIGHTHOUSE ART - Watercolours, Oils, Acrylics, Gouache, Pastels...
From the majesty of tigers and elephants to the frendliness of our pets and farmyard pals. Then there is the comical side of a seagull, frog or even snail! 'All creatures great and small' win our hearts in different ways. (For more examples of animals, please see the "Pastels," "Oils/Acrylic," "Pen & Ink" and "Commissions" pages.)
The Early Riser - Cockerel
A Distant Sound - Indonesian Tiger (Chalk Pastel)
Chicken Run
"Bread Time?"
Aylesbury Duck
The Old Timer - Tortoise
It's a Frog's Life (Watercolour & Gouache)
Watching With Mother - Sheep
On Guard - Hares
Geese & Parrett - Resident Geese In Bridgwater
The Lookout - Seagull at Burnham
A Well-Earned Rest - Donkeys on Burnham Beach
A Gastropod Party! - Slugs & Snails
(Well, art should be fun at times!)
Above, Always Nosey, Ever Cautious - Cows
Right, The Watering Hole - African Elephants
Please Note: If you are interested in buying the original of any artwork on this site, it may still be available - please contact the artist.
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